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Based on article 39 (1) of the Public Procurement Act the contracting authority offers economic operators unrestricted and full access free of charge by electronic means to the procurement documents, with the exception of the registration data, through this interface. The procurement documents can be downloaded free of charge, by prior registration. The contracting authority handles the registration information confidential and does not hand it over third parties. The system logs the executed activities. The contracting authority handles the user data and logs according to the applicable data protection regulations. The economic operator’s sole responsibility to provide an e-mail address and a fax number which capable 24 hours a day to receive the sent documents. The economic operator’s sole responsibility to provide an e-mail and fax-number, which capable 24 hours a day to receive the transmitted documents. We draw the attention of the economic operators to the article 57 (2) of the Public Procurement Act according to which at least one tenderer or candidate or subcontractor designated in the tender or the request to participate per each tender or request to participate shall have electronic access to the procurement documents, by the expiry of the time limit for the submission of tenders or in the case of a procedure consisting of more than one stage the time limit for participation. The economic operator’s responsibility to provide data that comply with the article 57 (2) of the Public Procurement Act. The economic operator rewards it with this registration, that he could electronic access –as defined in article 57 (2) of the Public Procurement Act - to the procurement documents in the form defined in article 39 (1) of the Public Procurement Act. The economic operator makes a statement about the acquiescence of the above conditions and his acceptance with the registration.